Lomax: The Hound of Music
Lomax: The Hound of Music is a PBS children’s series produced by Sirius Thinking, Ltd., in association with Connecticut Public Television, and based on celebrated music teacher John Feierabend's First Steps in Music curriculum. The program features a good-natured, melody-obsessed puppet pooch named Lomax, his fluffy feline sidekick Delta, and their human companion, Amy, on a tune-filled train ride crisscrossing the musical landscape of America. With the help – and full participation – of real kids on the train and on location, and the viewers at home, Lomax and his friends doggedly pursue their mutual passion: tracking down the wonderful songs that form the heart of our nation’s diverse musical heritage.
Along the way, they meet an array of interesting friends and musical celebrities, who introduce them to the infectious melodies of American roots music, such as “Ain’t No Bugs on Me,” “All the Pretty Little Horses,” “Michael, Row the Boat Ashore,” “Mary Mack,” “Turkey in the Straw,” and more. In every half-hour episode, young viewers are invited to sing these classic folksongs with Lomax and his friends, and along the way, to gain a greater musical intelligence that will last a lifetime.
Accompanying Lomax, Delta, and Amy on their journey is Fred, the train’s genial conductor, who, because he has a knack for making all kinds of “mouth sounds,” also serves as the train’s whistle. And also on board are Louise and Clark – a pair of adventurous fleas who have hitched a fun-filled ride on Lomax.
As Lomax the dog tracks down the folk songs of America (much like his namesake, legendary musicologist Alan Lomax), he and his friends also discover that America is a land of fascinatingly diverse places and people. They travel to Louisiana, Pennsylvania, San Francisco, the Erie Canal, Arkansas, New England, “The West” and “The Seashore” to name just a few places, and everywhere the go they unearth the folksongs that have been passed down generation after generation.

Stop, look, and listen to our opening theme song!

Lomax and Delta on the TODAY Show!