Learning Apps from Teachley and Tiggly
Sirius Thinking has been collaborating, over the past several years, with two wonderfully imaginative educational app companies, Teachley and Tiggly. We've worked closely with both these firms on character casting, sound design, and audio direction and production, and have helped out in other creative areas as well.
Teachley was founded to bridge the gap between research and practice by three passionate teachers – Kara Carpenter, Rachael Labrecque, and Dana Pagar – who met studying Cognition & Learning at Columbia University. Rigorous research has shown students improve their fact fluency, strategy use, and fractions knowledge using their products.
Teachley’s research and development is supported by the U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation. We're proud that Addimal Adventure, an elementary-school-age mathematic app to which Sirius was priviliged to contribute, recently won an Apple Design Award. Find out more about Teachley here.
Phyl Georgiou, Dr. Azadeh Jamalian, and Bart Clareman started Tiggly in 2013 as a reaction to growing concerns about children’s screen-time. “70 years of academic research from the likes of Montessori have emphasized the importance of physical play,” explains Georgiou. “What if we could combine classic toys, like a shape sorter, with today’s digital devices? With Tiggly Shapes, Tiggly Math, and Tiggly Words we’ve done just that, taking the best of physical and digital to create an entirely new play experience. Academic research has shown our products are better learning tools than apps alone.”
Unabashed silliness and humor are central elements in all Tiggly’s learning products, and that’s one of the reasons Sirius has so enjoyed collaborating with the company. (We think you’ll be particularly delighted by Tyler Bunch’s performance as the wildly experimental, mathematics-obsessed, “Tiggly Chef.”) You can read all about Tiggly here.

Teachley Addimals

Tiggly Chef